Friday, March 26, 2010

Overall Body Health Will Help Your Abs

Mike emphasizes overall body health will help your abs on their way to being a six-pack. This makes sense since your abs are active in most everything you do. He also says that each muscle helps support other parts of the body. So you don't want to have one section more weak than another. You are more likely to get hurt that way.

There are many exercises that work out your abs and back (remember strong abs help support your back muscles your back helps support your front). A couple of non-traditional ones are the renegade dumbell rows and mountain climbers on the floor.

Renegad dumbbell rows look like a moving plank pose. With a dumbbell in each hand, start like you're going to do push-ups or the plank. Slowly lift one arm (elbows will bend) to lift your weight and then slowly lower it. Arms will be straight when hands are on the ground. Try to keep your body stable and in place. If you've been in the gym, you've probably seen an occasional member do it (usually with a trainer).

Mountain climbers on the floor start in the same position (no weights). You shuffle your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back to your starting position. Start slow until you get the feel of it, then you can go a little faster, but not too fast or you might fall down! Do it right and you'll probably feel the cardio part as well.

Mike has all kinds of great tips to offer you (both diet and exercise). An overall body tuneup so you can enjoy your life more fully and healthfully -- for healthy abs mean a healthy body.

So go here: to find out how you can help have a healthier you. You'll be most happy you did.

Be healthy,
Renee' Barnes-Orozco

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