Friday, May 14, 2010

Abs Truth Now At Home Must Haves

OK, you're interested in working out at home instead of the gym on certain days. Get with the Abs Truth Now program and consider these few items for those at home days.

Dumbbells - Standard handles start around $8. Olympic handles are pricier and longer.

Barbells - A 7 foot standard barbell will work on an Olympic Bench. If you decide on a standard barbell set, you usually get a 20 pound bar, 2 dumbbell handles (with collars) and about 85 pounds of plates for aoubt $100.

When starting out, you could just start with your own body weight and challenge your self. You can add the bells when you can.

Bench - You could buy one, or use a sturdy piano bench or even a picnic bench.

Chin Up Bar - You can find one in a sports store, Kmart, Walmart or similar store for $10-$40. Some killer routines can be done on this apparatus alone.

Swiss or Stability Ball - About $20 - good for strengthening your core muscles and for working on your balance.

Jump Rope - $5 Whips your cardio in shape.

Stairs - Run up and walk down.

Your Backyard or the park - Sprints baby! And more.

OK. It's time you get into action and make progress on your six pack abs now. You've built it, now use it! Go to to get with the program now.

Be Healthy,

Renee' Barnes-Orozco

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